Assistive Technology
As Assistive Technology Facilitators, we collaborate with IEP teams to identify, implement, and integrate assistive technology tools and communication systems to reduce or eliminate barriers, promote safety and self-advocacy, improve educational outcomes, and help students demonstrate their knowledge and skills. We promote independence and achievement in students with special needs through the integration of assistive technology into their individualized education program.
Key Contacts
AT Google Site
Learn more about Assistive Technology, get helpful tutorials, and quick tips by checking out the AT Google Site.
Assistive Technology Frequently Asked Questions
- When will my student get the trial device/system?
- When will I receive a copy of the AT Consultation/Support Plan?
- What is the goal of the device/system trial period?
- Can my student take their device/system home?
- Can my student take their device home over the summer?
- What are my responsibilities if my student's device/system does come home?
- Does my student get to keep their assigned communication/academic system/device?