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Special Non-Public Access Program (SNAP)

Special education and related services for students parentally placed in private schools, parochial schools, and home school programs in St Louis County are provided throughout the school year by the Special Non-Public Access Program (SNAP).

A student is considered eligible for SNAP services when:

  • The student meets the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) criteria for being identified as a student with an educational disability.
  • The parent signs a release allowing Special School District and the non-public school to share pertinent information related to the evaluation and Services Plan.
  • The student maintains regular attendance (attending 75% of their scheduled special education and related service sessions).

Special education and related services are provided at the designated public school SNAP sites after school, between the hours of 4-7 PM, or during school hours at the student's home school of residence in St. Louis County.

Key Contacts

Holly Kloppenburg

Instructional Coordinator, West Region

Tove Kussman

Instructional Coordinator, South Region

Shannon Weatherby

Instructional Coordinator, North/Central Region