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Special Education in SSD

SSD provides special education services to students in a variety of placements, which are governed by the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Services are based entirely on a student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Placements range from SSD teachers providing special education services in the student’s home school district to attendance at an SSD special education school or program.

Ackerman School

Located in Florissant, Missouri, Ackerman School educates students ages 5 to 13 years with a range of disabilities. Students attending Ackerman live in several nearby school districts: Ferguson-Florissant, Hazelwood, Riverview Gardens and Jennings.

1550 Derhake Road
Florissant, MO 63033
314.989.7200 / 314.989.7225 fax


Bridges is a short-term placement option for students ages 13 to 21 years with challenging social, emotional, and behavioral issues. These students are placed at Bridges in order to provide a more structured environment where the staff is able to work intensively with small groups of students. The half-day program offers a morning or afternoon session for students.

12735 West Watson Road
St. Louis, MO 63127

Juvenile Detention Center

SSD's Juvenile Detention Center (JDC) provides educational services for students at the St. Louis County Family Court Center. Students are provided with instruction and the opportunity to earn credits towards graduation. The focus of JDC is to give students the skills they need to make a successful transition back to their home school and/or post-school life after graduation.

Litzsinger School

Located in Ladue, Missouri, Litzsinger School educates students 5 to 14 years with a range of disabilities. Students attending Litzsinger live in several nearby school districts: Brentwood, Clayton, Kirkwood, Ladue, Maplewood-Richmond Heights, Normandy, Pattonville, Ritenour, University City, and portions of Parkway and Rockwood.

10094 Litzsinger Road
Ladue, MO 63124
314.989.8800 / 314.989.8804 fax

Neuwoehner High School

Located in Town & Country, Missouri, Neuwoehner High School educates students 14 to 21 years with a range of disabilities. Students attending Neuwoehner live in several nearby school districts: Brentwood, Clayton, Kirkwood, Ladue, Maplewood-Richmond Heights, Normandy, Ritenour, Pattonville, University City and portions of Parkway and Rockwood. The school also serves students with autism from throughout Central and South St. Louis County.

12112 Clayton Road
Town & Country, MO 63131
314.989.8700 / 314.989.8702 fax

northview high school entrance

Located in Florissant, Missouri, Northview High School educates students 14 to 21 years with a range of disabilities. Students attending Northview live in several nearby school districts: Ferguson-Florissant, Hazelwood, Riverview Gardens and Jennings.

1520 Derhake Road
Florissant, MO 63033
314.989.7300 / 314.989.7319 fax

southview school entrance

Located in Sunset Hills, Missouri, Southview School educates students 5 to 21 years with a range of disabilities. Students attending Southview live in several nearby school districts: Affton, Bayless, Hancock Place, Lindbergh, Mehlville, portions of Parkway and Rockwood, Valley Park and Webster Groves with educational diagnoses of developmental disabilities, autism and emotional disturbance.

11660 Eddie & Park Road
Sunset Hills, MO 63126
314.989.8900 / 314.989.8904 fax