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Students & Families

Card 1


Discover how SSD's FACE (Family And Community Engagement) partners with students, families, and staff to support specialized academic, social, and emotional needs. Participate in virtual workshops, family learning events, and more!

Explore SSD's FACE


A family surrounds their student during a graduation event.

Family Handbook

The SSD Family Handbook serves as an invaluable resource, providing comprehensive guidance on the evaluation and IEP process, educational rights, and support systems tailored to your student's unique needs. It ensures clarity and empowers families with essential information to navigate educational opportunities effectively.

Explore the SSD Family Handbook

Inside the school woodshop, a teacher and student smile next to an adaptive device.

Evaluation Process

Before becoming a member of the SSD family, students must first be referred for special education services and evaluated. 

Explore the Evaluation Process

Assisted by their teachers, two students with special needs participate in a school performance.

IEP Process

An Individualized Education Program (IEP) describes the official documentation of special education services that will be provided for your student, as well as the meeting where these services are determined.

Explore the IEP Process

Four students sit next to each other on stadium seating.

Bullying Prevention

SSD is committed to ensuring students experience equitable educational opportunities free from bullying, harassment, discrimination, prejudice, and hate crimes. All community members are expected to treat each other with respect and appreciate the different and richly diverse personal qualities and skills of our school community.

Explore Bullying Prevention Resources

A staff member stands next to a student has is holding a certificate for his scholarship.

Scholarship Opportunities

SSD is fortunate to partner with regional organizations and individuals who provide scholarship opportunities for our students. Over the years, many thousands of dollars have been donated to help our students take the next step in their education journey.

Explore Our Scholarships