SSD Previous Teachers of the Year
Melissa Maness - South Tech Culinary Arts Instructor
Melissa Maness is a dedicated leader and culinary instructor at South Tech who prioritizes her students’ success, regardless of their background or ability. In addition to implementing a top-notch training program, she takes her students to food shows, college visits, and restaurants owned by graduates to drive their excitement for learning. In the community, she continually cultivates relationships that lead to work experience and jobs for her students. We are in awe of her initiative, drive, compassion, and success as an educator!
Michelle Cantino - Job Skills Teacher at Neuwoehner High School
Join us in celebrating Cantino for her impactful work and dedication to SSD students!
Missy Leibbrandt - Special Education Teacher at Claymont Elementary
We are proud to announce that Missy Leibbrandt has been selected as SSD’s 2022 Teacher of the Year! Leibbrandt is a special education teacher at Claymont Elementary in the Parkway School District and is known for her whole child approach to her students and consistently going above and beyond in her support of them. A dedicated team player and communicator, she commits time to collaborating with her students’ general education teachers and ensures her families are updated frequently, comprehensively, and in a caring and personal style. Her reputation as an outstanding educator was evident in the many positive comments shared about her by her colleagues, her nominator, and the parents and students she serves.
On a cold day in February, SSD surprised Erin Hemme with the announcement that she was selected as the 2021 SSD Teacher of the Year. Hemme is a teacher of the deaf for SSD and teaches at the Ladue Early Childhood Center. She earned the honor for her dedication to student learning, collaboration with families and coworkers, and her ability to help students make great strides in their education.