Acronyms Used in Special Education and at SSD
AAC: Augmentative & Alternative Communication
AAIDD: American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
ABA: Applied Behavioral Analysis
ABE: Adult Basic Education
ABS: Adaptive Behavior Scale
ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act
ADA: Average Daily Attendance
ADC: Adult Day Care
ADD: Attention Deficit Disorder
ADHC: Adult Day Health Care
ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ADL: Activites of Daily Living
AES: Alternative Education Setting
AFB: American Federation of the Blind
AFO: Adaptive Foot Orthotics
AHEAD: Association on Higher Education & Disability
AIT: Auditory Integration Training
APE: Adaptive Physical Education
APSE: Association for Persons in Supported Employment
ARCH: Assistance with Respite Care in the Home
ASA: Autism Society of America
ASD: Autism Spectrum Disorder
ASHA: American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
ASL: American Sign Language
AT: Assistive Technology
AU: Autism
CA: Chronological Age
CAP: Client Assistance Program
CASA: Court-Appointed Special Advocate
CASE: Council for Administrators of Special Education
CBI: Community-Based Instruction
CBTS: Community-Based Transition Services
CBVI: Community-Based Vocational Instruction
CEC: Council for Exceptional Children
CF: Cystic Fibrosis
CHADD: Children with Attention Deficit Disorder
CI: Community Integration
CID: Central Institute for the Deaf
CIL: Center for Independent Living
CISE: Center for Innovations in Special Education
CMHC: Community Mental Health Center
CMS: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
CO: Central Office
COOP: Cooperative Work-Experience Program
CP: Cerebral Palsy
CWC: Class Within A Class
DB: Deaf/Blind
DD: Developmental Disabilities
DDTC: Developmental Disabilities Treatment Center
DESE: Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
DF: Deaf
DFS: Division of Family Services
DHH: Deaf or Hard of Hearing
DHSS: Department of Health and Senior Services
DMH: Department of Mental Health
DOH: Department of Health
DP: Diagnostic Placement
DSA: Down Syndrome Association
DSM-III-R: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (3rd ed. revised)
DSS: Department of Social Services
DVR: Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
ECSE: Early Childhood Special Education
ED: Emotionally Disturbed
EPSDT: Medicaid Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment Program
ERIC: Educational Resources Information Center
ESL: English as a Second Language
ESOL: English for Speakers of Other Languages
ESYP: Extended School Year Programs
I & R: Information & Referral
ID: Intellectual Disability
IDEA: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IEP: Individualized Education Program
IFSP: Individualized Family Services Plan
ILA: Independent Living Arrangement
ILC: Independent Living Center
IPE: Individualized Plan for Employment
IQ: Intelligence Quotient
IRC: Instructional Resource Center
IRWE: Impairment-Related Work Expenses
ISL: Independent Supported Living
ISP: Individualized Service Plan
ITP: Individualized Treatment Plan
MACDDS: Missouri Association of County Developmental Disabilities Services
MAP: Missouri Assessment Program
MAP-A: Missouri Assessment Program – Alternate
MAPS: McGill Action Planning System
MCHR: Missouri Commission on Human Rights
MD: Muscular Dystrophy
MHA: Mental Health Association
MHIA: Missouri Head Injury Association
MI: Mentally Ill
MOCABI: Missouri Critical Adaptive Behaviors Inventory
MOCDD: Missouri Children with Developmental Disability Waiver
MoP&A or MPAS: Missouri Protection and Advocacy Services
MPACT: Missouri Parents Alliance for Cooperative Training
MPC: Missouri Planning Council
MSIP: Missouri School Improvement Program
MSW: Masters of Social Work Degree
MU: Multiply Disabled
NAMI: National Alliance for the Mentally Ill
NASBE: National Association State Boards of Education
NASDE: National Association of State Directors of Special Education
NCLD: National Center for Learning Disabilities
NFP: Not for Profit
NH: Non-handicapped
NICHCY: National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities
NIH: National Institutes of Health
NIMH: National Institute of Mental Health
NORD: National Organization for Rare Disorders
NOS: Not Otherwise Specified
OA: Office of Administration
O & M: Orientation and Mobility
OBE: Outcome Based Education
OCD: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
OCR: Office of Civil Rights
ODD: Oppositional Defiant Disorder
OH: Orthopedically Handicapped
OHI: Other Health Impaired
OSEP: Office of Special Education Programs
OSERS: Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
OT: Occupational Therapy
PAC: Parent Advisory Council
P & A: Protection & Advocacy
PAS: Personal Assistance Service
PASS: Plan for Achieving Self-Support
PBIS: Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
PCA: Personal Care Assistant
PCP: Person-Centered Plan
PDC: Professional Development Committee
PDD: Pervasive Developmental Disorder
PDDNOS: Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
PDR: Physician’s Desk Reference
PI: Physical Impairment
PICS: Picture Interest Career Inventory
PKU: Phenylketonuria
PL: Public Law
PLAAFP: Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance
PLB: Productive Living Board
PLC: Parent Liaison Committee (also Professional Learning Community)
POA: Power of Attorney
POS: Purchase of Service
PS: Partially Sighted
PT: Physical Therapy
PTI: Parent Training and Information Center
PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
PWN: Prior Written Notice
SB: Senate Bill
SB: Spina Bifida
SB: Standards Based
SD: Standard Deviation
SDD: Severe Developmental Disabilities
SEA: State Educational Agency
Section 504: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
SED: Serious Emotional Disturbance
SH: Severely Handicapped
SHCN: Special Health Care Needs
SI: Sensory Integration
SIB: Self-Injurious Behavior
SIS: Supports Intensity Scale
SLD: Specific Learning Disability
SLI: Speech/Language Impairment
SLP: Speech-Language Pathologist
SNAP: Special Non-Public Access Program
SOC: System of Care
SOP: Summary of Performance
SP: Speech Impairment
SPED: Special Education
SPP: State Performance Plan
SSA: Social Security Administration
SSD: Special School District of St. Louis County
SSDI: Social Security Disability Insurance
SSI: Supplementary Security Income
SWEP: Summer Work Experience Program
TA: Technical Assistance
TAC: Technology Access Center
TASH: The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps
TBI: Traumatic Brain Injury
TDD: Telecommunication Device for the Deaf
TPI: Transition Planning Inventory
TS: Tourette Syndrome
TT: Text Telephone
TTD/TTY: Teletypewriting Device, Teletypewriter